Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Plans for Spring 2011

So while anxiously waiting for Spring to finally get here so I can finally enjoy the car, as much as it's possible to enjoy in it's current state, I've started figuring out exactly what needs to be done before it comes out of storage on May 1st.  Thankfully there isn't too much to do and it should be fairly straight forward and hopefully low-cost too.

The main thing is connecting the EGR hose to the header.  Since it isn't the greatest quality header the EGR hose doesn't line up.  While trying to fix it in the Fall, the threads of the current fitting got all chewed up so it was impossible to thread it in without doing more damage to the header and having major leaks.  Now I'm going to take the EGR system off the spare engine and install it, working backwards to make sure it all lines up.

After that it's just a few minor things:
- quiet down the exhaust a bit, maybe just with a silencer
- reseal the sunroof to stop the leaks
- e-test & safety
- trunk floor, most likely do a false floor setup, but more on that later.

I also picked up a really nice tool set that should help out with working on the car.  Probably has more than enough tools for my needs.

Also I'll start planning the suspension setup.  I already have my coilovers picked out and most of the suspension arms.  I'll most likely be going with FortuneAuto for almost all of my suspension.  They are a fairly new company for the S-chassis but I have only heard good things about them. Plus, you can't beat a lifetime warranty on all suspension arms.

Hopefully I'll be doing something like this to the S14 in the somewhat near future:
From this:

 To this:
To end up like this:

It'll be a lot of work, but I'm sure it'll be completely worth it.

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